Fifty Shades Of Anodization

Consistency in anodization 

Or lack thereof…

50 shades of FDE is a common theme among the firearm community.

(moonshine is less common, but plays off the same concept; color-matching anodization, just not, to the extreme.)

It originates from the FN SCAR’s anodized upper receiver, which varies in color vastly from firearm to firearm, although they are all, technically, still FDE. 

Since then, many companies and enthusiasts alike have played with the fact that there are literally 50 shades of FDE between components and accessories.


The process of anodization increases the thickness of natural oxide on the surface of an object, and the amount of thickness determines color.

The most basic process of anodization involves a chemical bath along with an electrical current. Various factors determine the exact color result, from the temperature of the object to the solubility of the chemical bath. 

Too nerdy?

Think about anodizing like dying an easter egg. However, instead of simply darkening the egg with each dip, imagine the color changing completely. Anodizing is similar in the sense that specific colors require the application of a specific amount of electrical current for a specific amount of time, similar to eggs being dipped over and over into dye.

Except, it isn’t exactly the same….

You’re still dipping easter eggs, but instead of a simple mixture of dye and water, you are using a complex solution of metals, chemicals and minerals, while also controlling temperature and electrical current. Each individual factor impacts the overall resulting color hue and intensity. These variables make the process much more like chromatic tie-dye than simple easter egg dipping…

If the solution forms a pocket of concentrate or isn’t the exact same temperature throughout the entire process, the color may appear blotchy or inconsistent. Moreover, consider how difficult it would be to match shades of easter eggs between batches, let alone make identical tie-dye shirts…

(In fact, many textile manufacturers tag dyed items with disclaimers that no two items are identical, even when dyed one single color…)

Anodizing is even more difficult, due to science and stuff.

It is nearly impossible to replicate or color match different parts and components EXACTLY unless the objects are anodized in the same batch. Even then, the variables are too numerous to control with absolute certainty. For example, a raw upper and lower created from different raw aluminum stock will react differently, even in the same bath. Many uppers and handguards are not only made from different stock, but different grades, entirely. Even when everything else is identical, there will be, at best, a slight variation in anodization shade and intensity of color between different stock or grades of material. 

In short, think about anodizing as each object being a unique one off; no two objects will be exactly alike. 

Understanding this fact of life is key to being an enjoyer of 50 shades of anodization instead of being disappointed that anodized components don’t match, exactly…

If you want to fully embrace the 50 shades of anodization and appreciate unique and bold aesthetics, our “moonshine” builds offer a distinctive take on rifle customization. These JAG rifle builds feature mismatched anodized parts, creating a one-of-a-kind look due to variances in color that didn’t meet our strict QC standards. Each of these “color blems” are stamped with our exclusive L&S Trogdor engraving, adding an extra touch of character.

If you prefer a more traditional color-matched build, we’ve got you covered. Explore our Earth, Olive, and Charcoal anodized finishes, available for both the All-Rounder Carbine  and Just As Good complete rifles. Whether you’re after a bold statement or a classic finish, the choice is entirely yours!

1 thought on “Fifty Shades Of Anodization”

  1. Personally I like the different shades of colors. it gives it a more traditional Frankenbuild look., plus differs from all the other same looking platforms, that everybody already has or built.


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